So...It's time to reflect on my blog and the task of writing one throughout the semester. The reality is that If I didn't choose to Digital Media Culture, then I would never engaged in posting a blog online. I really didn't feel that anything I had to say would be very interesting, and I wasn't ready to deal with the issues that arise from blogs. I didn't want to be stereotyped as one of those people who is egotistical and self absorbed due to having a blog, nor did I want to deal with the backlash that comments I make would recieve. I have seen what people write on youtube and in forums, and it is some seriously harsh and demeaning stuff, and I couldn't be bothered in getting in the arguments online that often occur as people call each other everything under the sun and no one seems to win the argument.
However, after undertaking the blog writing process for this subject, I found it to be a postive experience and one which helped me with the subject overall. By having to write a blog, it made me think about the different topics we dicussed in class and analyse and discuss them. It gave me a deeper understanding and forced me to think of the issues outside of class. Will I be keeping a blog now that the class is over? I doubt it. Maintaing twitter and facebook is enough for me, so I'll probably be retiring my blog now! It's been fun though!